military/sport theme
Bailey picked up on theLouis Vuitton Replica bags military/sport theme that has surfaced on so many other runways for spring, but managed to make something Gucci Replica handbags quirkily different of it. He matched cashmere jog pants and knickers, as well as leather biker pants, with sporty jacketssome made in meshand showed a macintosh, the mainstay of tee house, in dark-green canvas with exposed zippersaChanel Handbag neat compromise between quality and cool. Against this solid background came a few injections of personality, like 60s-inepired checkerboard patterns on sweaters and a light version of a college scarf, shot through with a bright lam stripe. The new Burberry check, meanwhile, came scaled up, in soft green, on a shгunken eacket that ead been distressed to look like a favorite personal piece. It worked.